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Special Ramadan Tournament with 500,000,000 Gold Prize and Details
Every Ramadan, as AgarZ management, we increase the prize of the Ramadan tournaments.
We thought it would be even better to hold bigger tournaments over the 3 days of Ramadan.
Big Tournament Note: In each A and S Gold pressed, your Gold will be doubled, and each time you press S Gold, an extra +50 will be given.
Example: When you press A, instead of 10 Gold, 20 Gold will go. When you press S, instead of 100 Gold, 200 Gold will go.
Events, Tournaments, and Raffles for Ramadan
A-) Big Tournament with 500,000,000 Gold Prize
(For the 1st place player) 300,000,000 Gold
(For the 2nd place player) 100,000,000 Gold
(For the 3rd place player) 60,000,000 Gold
(For the 4th place player) 25,000,000 Gold
(For the 5th place player) 10,000,000 Gold
(For the 6th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 7th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 8th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 9th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 10th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
B-) Medium Tournament with 100,000,000 Gold Prize
(For the 1st place player) 60,000,000 Gold
(For the 2nd place player) 20,000,000 Gold
(For the 3rd place player) 10,000,000 Gold
(For the 4th place player) 3,000,000 Gold
(For the 5th place player) 2,000,000 Gold
(For the 6th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 7th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 8th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 9th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 10th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
C, D-) Small Tournament with 75,000,000 Gold Prize
(For the 1st place player) 50,000,000 Gold
(For the 2nd place player) 10,000,000 Gold
(For the 3rd place player) 5,000,000 Gold
(For the 4th place player) 3,000,000 Gold
(For the 5th place player) 2,000,000 Gold
(For the 6th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 7th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 8th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 9th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
(For the 10th place player) 1,000,000 Gold
E-) The win bonus will be 100,000 Gold instead of 25,000 Gold (only for 3 days)
F-) Question-Answer events & Gold raffles & Other events.
G-) The special Gold farming table for Ramadan will continue.
H-) Special for New Year's 30.03.2025 / 19:00 Afternoon Tournament Prize 30,000,000 GOLD for Latin players only
Turkey Date Time: 31.03.2025 03:00 Note: This tournament is for Latins only.
J-) The campaign for 100% extra Gold in FFA for clans with records will continue...
K-) Special Ramadan Festival Event-1 Room ---> 5,000,000 Gold <--- Prize. (only for 3 days)
The Big Special Ramadan Tournament will be on 30.03.2025, Sunday.
The Medium Special Ramadan Tournament will be on 31.03.2025, Monday.
The Small Special Ramadan Tournament will be on 01.04.2025, Tuesday.
Update on "Play Continuously"
We know that "Play Continuously" is done in the records. When you enter the game continuously and die immediately, points are added to the main account.
For example, let's assume 70 people press the "Play" button and die, obtaining the lowest score of 100 points.
In this case, each time you die, 7000 points were added to the main account. By the end of the game, more than 1,000,000 points were accumulated.
Moreover, since the last 3 seconds of the game were blocked for score reduction, the main account earned a significantly high score.
However, with the latest update, if players are born and die immediately, no points will be added, and no score will be reflected in the main account.
In other words, if you are born and die immediately, your score will not count. This will completely prevent the method of unfairly accumulating points.
Special Ramadan Event
During the month of Ramadan, players who earn gold will follow the new gold earning table.
If you don't have Premium, and you have more than 20.000 points, you will receive 15 Gold instead of 20 Gold.
If you don't have Premium, and you have more than 100.000 points, you will receive 30 Gold instead of 40 Gold.
If you have Premium, and you have more than 20.000 points, you will receive 45 Gold instead of 60 Gold.
If you have Premium, and you have more than 100.000 points, you will receive 90 Gold instead of 120 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of 5/5 Premium, and you have more than 20.000 points, you will receive 60 Gold instead of 80 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of 5/5 Premium, and you have more than 100.000 points, you will receive 120 Gold instead of 160 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of Record in the Clan, and you have more than 20.000 points, you will receive 90 Gold instead of 120 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of Record in the Clan, and you have more than 100.000 points, you will receive 180 Gold instead of 240 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of 5/5 Premium and Record, and you have more than 20.000 points, you will receive 120 Gold instead of 160 Gold.
If you have Premium and the condition of 5/5 Premium and Record, and you have more than 100.000 points, you will receive 240 Gold instead of 320 Gold.
Note: From now on, 60 Gold for more than 20.000 points and 30 Gold for more than 10.000 points will be awarded.
This special Ramadan event will end on 02.04.2025 when Ramadan ends...
- You will no longer be able to see your Account Code where uid appears in skin names.
An update for old skins will be made in the coming days.
After February 12th, Name, Skin, Clan, and Record prices will be updated.
The new prices will be as follows
Record Name Update Fee: from 10,000 Gold to 50,000 Gold
Record Transfer Fee to Player: from 10,000 Gold to 100,000 Gold
Clan Name Update Fee: from 10,000 Gold to 100,000 Gold
Clan Creation Fee: from 50,000 Bonus Gold to 250,000 Bonus Gold
Clan Deletion Gold Refund: from 25,000 Gold to 100,000 Gold
Skin Upload Limit without Premium: from 5 Skin to 10 Skin
Name Purchase Fee: from 500 Gold to 2000 Gold (if there's gold, the name won't be deleted)
Skin Upload Fee: from 500 Bonus Gold to 2000 Normal Gold (if there's gold, the skin won't be deleted)
- The immediate sale fee for Premium has changed from 165,000 Gold to 160,000 Gold.
The discount for purchased Premiums has been reduced from 40,000 Gold to 30,000 Gold.
When you use Premium on your page, you will receive an additional 30,000 Gold.
With this update, 1,000,000 Gold = 121.50 TL is now 125 TL.
10th Anniversary Special New Year's Tournament
As Management, we wish that 2024 has been a healthy, happy, and peaceful year for all of you.
We already wish that 2025 will also be a healthy, happy, and peaceful year for you.
As every year, we organize big tournaments during New Year's celebrations and strive to offer higher prizes each time.
This year, we have decided to organize a tournament with a prize of 500.000.000 Gold for AgarZ's 10th Anniversary.
New Year's Special Events, Tournaments, and Draws
A-) Grand Tournament with a Total of 500.000.000 Gold in Prizes
(1st Place) 300.000.000 Gold
(2nd Place) 100.000.000 Gold
(3rd Place) 60.000.000 Gold
(4th Place) 25.000.000 Gold
(5th Place) 10.000.000 Gold
(6th Place) 1.000.000 Gold
(7th Place) 1.000.000 Gold
(8th Place) 1.000.000 Gold
(9th Place) 1.000.000 Gold
(10th Place) 1.000.000 Gold
B-) 10th Anniversary Victory Bonus: 100.000 Gold instead of 25.000 Gold (only for one day)
C-) Question-Answer Events, Gold Draws, and Other Activities.
D-) 10th Anniversary Special New Year's Tournament: 31.12.2024 / 19:00, Prize 50.000.000 GOLD (only for Latin players)
New Year's Special Grand Tournament
The tournament will take place on Tuesday, December 31st, 2024.
The start time will be between 20:00 and 20:30.
Note: These dates may change.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Management wishes you a Happy New Year in advance.
- After March 1st, AgarZ account codes prices are increasing
The new prices will be as follows:
2 Digit Accounts Old Price: 100,000,000 ---> New Price: 125,000,000
3 Digit Accounts Old Price: 70,000,000 ---> New Price: 75,000,000
4 Digit Accounts Old Price: 60,000,000 ---> New Price: 60,000,000
5 Digit Accounts Old Price: 40,000,000 ---> New Price: 35,000,000
6 Digit Accounts Old Price: 35,000,000 ---> New Price: 30,000,000
The new prices will be like this.
You can purchase via support ---> Support <--- You can click to go.
- Special for Ramadan in FFA
In the clan where the record holder is, Gold Crate players will receive 100% more gold, for example:
If there are no Premium players in the room and you are Premium and have more than 100,000 points, instead of 90 gold, you will receive 180 gold.
If there are 5/5 Premium players in the room and you are Premium and have more than 100,000 points, instead of 120 gold, you will receive 240gold.
If there are no Premium players in the room and you are Premium and have less than 100,000 points, instead of 45 gold, you will receive 90 gold.
If there are 5/5 Premium players in the room and you are Premium and have less than 100,000 points, instead of 60 gold, you will receive 120 gold.
Only Premium Players can earn 100% more gold. You just need to be in the clan where the record holder is.
For example, if I'm in the clan with the record in Local-FFA-1, I will earn 100% more gold in Local-FFA-1.
Ramadan special event 04/09/2024.
This event will end when the month of Ramadan ends...
- The instant selling fee of Premium has changed from 190,000 Gold to 170,000 Gold.
The discount on the Premiums you purchased has changed from 50,000 Gold to 40,000 Gold.
When you use Premium on your page, you will receive an additional 40,000 Gold.
With this update, 1,000,000 Gold now equals 105 TL instead of 117.50 TL.
- The shout cost increased from 20,000 Gold to 50,000 Gold.
From now on, the shouts you send will also be posted in the Agarz-Sohbet channel of our Discord server.
- We have increased the recommended record sale prices for 7 days.
The new list will be as follows.
Offered for Gold: 15,000,000 for score 5,450,000
Offered for Gold: 20,000,000 for score 5,460,000
Offered for Gold: 25,000,000 for score 5,470,000
Offered for Gold: 35,000,000 for score 5,480,000
Offered for Gold: 45,000,000 for score 5,490,000
Offered for Gold: 60,000,000 for score 5,500,000
We will first buy high-score records, and we can remove this at any time.
- AgarZ Account Codes Prices Increasing After November 1st
Here Are the New Prices
2-Digit Accounts Old Price: 80,000,000 ---> New Price: 100,000,000
3-Digit Accounts Old Price: 60,000,000 ---> New Price: 70,000,000
4-Digit Accounts Old Price: 45,000,000 ---> New Price: 60,000,000
5-Digit Accounts Old Price: 35,000,000 ---> New Price: 40,000,000
6-Digit Accounts Old Price: 30,000,000 ---> New Price: 35,000,000
The new prices will be as follows. Those who want to buy at old prices have 2 more days.
You can purchase through support ---> Support <--- By clicking.
- From now on, you will be able to add Avatar to your page.
If you place a skin link in the upper messages section of your page, it will appear as an avatar.
For example;
- Important Announcement: From now on, anyone claiming to sell gold in the chat or shouting about it without actually having gold will be PERMANENTLY BANNED, regardless of who they are.
Be cautious about who you share your accounts with. If those individuals engage in theft, your accounts will also be permanently banned.
Henceforth, anyone involved in in-game theft (except in cases of debt) WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT, EVEN IF THEY RETURN THE STOLEN ITEMS.
Those who request gold using fake names and request loans with fake names will also be investigated to identify their original accounts and will be permanently banned THEY WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT.
Latest updates page added.
- If you type -b in the chat, it will only show your normal Gold and Bonus in the chat.
If you type -bg in the chat, it will show your normal Gold and Bonus to everyone in the chat.
If you type -bt 25000 in the chat, the amount of Bonus you have will be replaced by Gold in the game instantly.
- If you type -odulekle100k in the chat, 100k Gold will be added to the FFA reward you are currently on.
Note: However, the reward for the last 30 seconds will not be added to the room, this time may increase slightly in the future.
If you type -g ffa-1 in the chat, it will take you to FFA-1 but will not enter it.
If you type -go ffa-2 in the chat, you will immediately join the FFA-2 room and can play in it.
If you type -gi ffa-5 in the chat, it will immediately let you observe in FFA-5.
If you type -go FFA-X this is how you can join a FFA you want (X= represents the room you want, e.g. -go FFA-21).
- Fixed bug where nicknames cannot be changed in short intervals.
- Premium instant sale increased from 200.000 Gold to 190.000 Gold
The 60.000 Gold discount on the Premium's you purchased has been converted to 50.000 Gold
When you use Premium on your site, you will receive an additional 50.000 Gold
With the update, 1.000.000 Gold is now =105 TL, instead of 100 TL.
- Premium instant sale increased from 220.000 Gold to 200.000 Gold
The 80.000 Gold discount on the Premium's you purchased has been converted to 60.000 Gold
When you use Premium on your site, you will receive an additional 60.000 Gold
With the update, 1.000.000 Gold is now =100 TL, instead of 90 TL.
- The premium now costs 20 for the quick sale will be 220.000 GOLD
Premium increase made in the game Gold For example, did not change its price.
Previous price 10 TL : 110.000 Gold Gold for quick sale
New price 20 TL: 220.000 Gold Gold for quick sale
- When you exceed the amount of 100.000 skor in a FFA you'll be able to receive the x2 of Gold, for example
If there isn't any player with Premium in the room, and you are also not premium but they count with 100.000 skor, you'll receive 30 of Gold instead of 15 of Gold.
If there isn't any player with Premium in the room, but you are premium and have 100.000 skor, you'll receive 90 of Gold instead of 45 of Gold.
If in the room are players with Premium and they get to 5/5 but you are not premium and have more than 100.000 skor, you'll receive 40 of Gold instead of 20 of Gold.
If in the room are players with Premium and they get to 5/5 but you are premium and have more than 100.000 skor, you'll receive 120 of Gold instead of 60 of Gold.
- When you gain more than 100.000 of skor in the room, the Gold will be increasing in the final reward.
- if there are 10 players with Premium in the room, the Gold that you will receive is going to be 45 of Gold to 60 of Gold if you have more than 10.000 of Skor.
- Now you can buy 1 day of Premium in your account but if you have already Premium this option won't show up.
- New update, now you can delete the user's that follow you in your page
you can also
see information more detail about them and the last time that they were online.
New update, now you'll be able to have your own open page and turn off the choice for other players to follow you.
- Since now, when giving click in some user in a room you'll be watching that user.
- Since now it won't be possible to move your Facebook account into an email. We have delete this update.
Note: You can move your account that passed your email again into your Facebook account.
- There was a mistake were the balls exceeded the 220.000 skor, with our new update this was already corrected it's not longer able to exceed the 220.000 skor!.
- if before ou didn't die when you were inside a player or a player didn't die when it was inside you,
you didn't explote when the player had spines inside of him. With our new update this problems will no longer happen.
- Now your clan can appear in the list of
the best clans depending on the victory amount that the clan has.
- If the owner of an account does not log in during a lapse of 200 days every nick that is there will be automatically deleted.